Things you should never entrust to movers

Moving all your belongings safely to your new residence is the most tedious task of the relocation process that requires a lot of preparations and careful planning. Apart from your ordinary home appliances and furniture, there are some special items such as essentials, heirlooms and cherished possessions, which are the reminiscent of your beloved ancestors, must be moved only by you with great care. Though you book a trustworthy and reputed moving company, it is not advisable to entrust these things to them.

List of items you should always move by yourself:

Essential documents:

It is much recommended to keep your important paper works such as passports, driving licenses, medical reports, birth certificates, insurance policies etc, handy. These documents you may need immediately after the arrival to your new place. During peak season move, you may arrive early than your belongings, so it is wise to carry all the essential documents with you, instead of shipping it.

Expensive jewelries:

Jewelries are the delicate items that are much prone to mysterious disappearance. During daunting moving process there are a lot of possibilities to miss or misplace your priced ornaments. Hiring reputed movers will not assure the safety of your jewelry, since there are no people in the world without awe for expensive items. Even if you book trust worthy movers, you may protect your jewelry from getting stolen, but damage- free ornaments shipment is not guaranteed. If you’re carrying out a DIY approach means ensure to store the ornaments in a separate fabric lined box to avoid tangling of chains and bracelets, gemstone break and surface scratches of your invaluable possessions.

Costlier electronics:

Expensive electronic gadgets such as laptops, digital cameras, smart phones, stereo head phones rank top the list of stolen items during a hectic relocation process. In order to protect yourself from becoming a victim of identity theft, it is better to keep your personal information stored gadgets along with you.


costlier electronic things

Summer move may create irrevocable damage to your heat sensitive electronics, so it is wise to transport such items in car that you’re using for your move, instead of moving truck. Expensive hefty electronics that include Plasma TV and personal computer cannot be moved on your own, so before loading them in truck, ensure that they’re well protected with sturdy card board boxes and padding materials that provide proper heat insulation.

Heirloom items:

Missing your ordinary house hold stuff will leave you stressed but losing your family heirlooms that embodies high sentimental value will leave you in long lasting grief. Whether it’s a costly diamond ring or broken wall clock, family heirlooms means a lot more than an item. So, immense care must be taken while packing and moving the precious keepsakes. You may safeguard these priceless valuables carefully but you cannot expect your movers to do so. To keep unnecessary frustration at bay, carry the heirlooms with you, never relay on movers.

Art works and prized collections:

The valuable collections such as foreign coins, age old stamps, rare pens etc, are never less than your expensive jewelries. Don’t risk the safety of your dear collections, by letting your movers to ship it. The delicate paintings and art works must also be transported only under your surveillance. In case it is too large to fit into a car, protect it with custom wooden crates, bubble wraps and plenty of foam sheets, before your professional movers load them inside moving truck.

Survival kit:

It is always wise to prepare and carry with you an essential box that includes toiletries, change of clothes, medicines and small tools. You cannot start you day without brushing or bathing and you cannot be happy at your new home, if you’re sick or met with injuries, so accompanying a survival kit is paramount.

Loose cash and credit cards:

While travelling you need to pay for road tolls, snacks and drinks and other unavoidable expenses. Keeping cash and credit cards handy help you get rid from the hassle of opening the locked suitcase every now and then.

Pets and plants:

The pet animals and plants are the two things that rank top among the most difficult things to move. Several precautionary measures must be taken while shifting these close to heart things. Never let your movers to relocate your pets, keep in mind that it may be valuable possession for you, but not for them. To ensure your pet’s safety, it is much recommended to keep them with you.

Avoid hazardous materials:

There are some items that should not be moved either by movers or even by you. Keep in mind that carrying hazardous materials such as kerosene, car battery, gas cylinders etc, may end up with unfortunate incidents. So, avoid carrying hazardous items as far as possible.
Even you carry some essential belongings with you most of the hefty possessions are shipped by movers. So, check the insurance policies of your moving company to ensure that your stuff comes under their norm. This way you can claim reimbursement for goods, in case of damage or theft of your belongings. Though your movers are highly professional, making your move successful is in your hands.

Right way to unload a moving truck

The delightful relocation process excites everyone, but it may become disastrous, if the unloading process is not done the right way. Paramount importance must be given for loading and unloading items safely, since no one wants their prized possessions to get damaged. For a safe and trouble free moving experience, it is much recommended to take some precaution measures, while unloading your goods upon delivery. Whether you’re choosing DIY approach or hiring professional movers, sensible and organized planning makes you’re move a smooth and successful one.

Things to be done before packing items:

Create a detailed floor plan:

It takes much time to arrange the unloaded items in your new home. Creating a floor plan of your new residence with markings of the exact positions, where your major house hold items must be placed, reduce the hassle of unloading and arranging goods at your new home. The thoughtful trick that gears up unloading process is that paste colorful labels on the door frames of your new home’s empty rooms and boxes that must be placed in those rooms, this way the goods boxes can be placed in their corresponding rooms easily without gulping time and wrecking nerves.

Sort help:

It is highly impossible to unload all your belongings from truck by yourself. In order to ensure the safety of your items, it is wise to sort help from either professional movers or friends, and also ensure their availability on moving day before itself. However the best option is to let professional movers do the jobs for you. Since, they are equipped with all the necessary items that are required for unloading all your belongings from truck and shifting them inside your new home. Another cool factor is that you can avoid moving injuries by hiring efficient professional movers.

Time management:

Relocation is a daunting task that requires ample amount of time, so a well ahead planning gives you relief from the moving stress. Several factors such as size of the boxes, weight of the boxes, number of boxes, experience of the professional movers, and availability of moving equipment decides the time of your unloading process. The weather conditions also play a dominant role, when you’re carrying out your move. So, manage your available time properly to get rid from last minute frustrations and enjoy a hassle free move.

Reserve a parking area beforehand:

Reserve an appropriate parking place for the moving truck well in advance, so that your goods can be unloaded and shifted safely within short span of time. It is well and good, if the vehicle is parked in front of your new home, since you can ensure the safety of your valuable belongings and also the long carry fee payment is avoided.

Be cautious:

There are possibilities of floor damage, when you unload and unpack your invaluable possessions into your new residence without using any protective materials. Usage of carpet film protectors, old blankets, large pieces of cardboard and rugs reduce the floor harm. Cover the stair case with some anti- slippery materials, to avoid unnecessary risks during unloading items. If your move is during rainy season, it’s better to change the floor coverings once or twice, not allowing the moisture to soak through the floor. The walls and doors must also be covered with corner guards and foam padding’s, in order to protect them from scratches.

Keep your pathways obstacle free:

For safe unloading and shifting of goods, the pathway leading to your home must be free from obstacles such as debris, dead leaves, snow, mud, over grown bushes, tree branches etc. Place the already shifted items away from the path that you’re using for unloading other goods. At any point of time personal protection is also very vital. Wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict your movements, boots with anti-slippery soles, and gloves. The back support reduces the risk of strain and also don’t forget to use dolly that significantly reduce your unloading burdens. Children and pets may get injured or cause injuries, when they run around you while you’re carrying goods, so keep them at bay before starting the unloading process.

Tips for quick unloading:

Unload the items in right order:

Load the over-sized boxes first; so that it can be unloaded last, this way these boxes do not harm the miscellaneous items and fragile items that are placed above it. Once the loading process is over, secure the boxes with bungee cords, restricting the movement of the goods during transportation. While unloading, the breakables must be removed before the delicate household appliances. So that there will be enough space for other bulkier items to get out from truck. Unload the heavy furniture and wardrobe boxes at last.

Employ proper lifting and carrying techniques:

When you’re lifting heavy items, it is advisable to bend your knees and lift with your leg’s strength, instead of back. To avoid slipping of boxes, hold it close to your body and move with smaller steps. Bulkier items must be shifted, only through moving ramp or dolly. Don’t be in haste while unloading or unpacking as it will end up with serious consequences.

Rest the items in their designated places:

Rearranging the shifted materials several times is overwhelming, it is far better to arrange the items directly in their designated places itself. Make sure that no item left inside the storage area of the rental truck and every item is placed in its corresponding place. In case if you’re using moving company, check that the received items match with the inventory list. Once all the belongings are unloaded, carefully unpack the items. The plastic wraps, cardboard boxes, bubble wraps, plastic crates and other protective materials must be removed with great care and maintained at good condition, since you can use these items again, if there is a need. Give importance to dispose the waste moving supplies properly.

The moving advice furnished above makes the hard pressed unloading process easier and let your successful moving experience a memorable one.

Moving to a Beach Town

Beach towns are prime locations for vacations, businesses and residential movers. Coastal living allows you to spend your free time on the sand, in the water, by the water, enjoy water sports and take sun bath. Beach town offer you lot of benefits and opportunities that winter climates do not provide. Most of the people want to enjoy the sunny and warm weather. So, they move their residence to beach town. Here are few useful tips for exciting beach town relocation.

Pros of beach town relocation:
Pleasant and Enjoyable climate:
You can eliminate the hassle of wearing several layers of clothing and throwing salt or sand in front of your garage, in order to protect your car from getting drift on the ice. Beach town has a warm weather that allows you to swim, walk along the beach, smell the ocean air and pick up the sea shells. Beach town moving is great for water lovers, boating groups, fishing enthusiasts, golfing addicts and nature admirers.

Good for health:
People can be hale and healthy by living in a beach town. Ocean water can alleviate the skin allergies and it is good for rhino pharynx, sinuses etc. The air by the water is good for breathing and keeps you refreshed. You can enjoy the bliss of early morning sun that is rich in vitamin D, which has positive influences on the human body. Walking or jogging on the beach sand, the natural body shaper removes the dead skin cells of your body. Beach town moving benefits you to greater extent.

Kid’s welfare:
Beach town give more opportunities for your kids to mingle with others, play together and socialize. Costal living gives them a healthy environment and motivates them to play outdoor games, instead of playing computer games and watching TV.

An Excellent place for nature lovers:
Beach towns are the excellent place for site seeing. The place is ideal for watching sea side animals, birds and enjoying natural breezy climate. Nature admirers always have great love for coastal areas that are treasured with natural beauties such as sea shells, snails, fishes etc.

Tips for beach town relocation:
What to pack:
Opt for comfortable attire:
When moving to beach town carry enough casuals, in order to keep you more comfortable, but never ever over pack. Over baggage can be avoided by packing outfits that can be worn in multiple combinations. Do not forget to pack your swim wear, beach towels and sun hats. The hat protects you from the scorching sun, which cause skin tanning.

Sun glasses and sun screens:
Prolonged exposure to sun is extremely dangerous, so pack sunscreen with SPF15+ that helps you to protect from sun burns. You can get rid from the effect of UV rays, by using sunglasses that have larger lenses.

Be prepared with a beach bag:
The washable and spacious beach bag allow you to carry wet wipes, baby powder and Ziploc bags that secure your electronic items, wallets, wet swim wears and change of clothes.

Home appliances:
Carefully pack all the home appliances and furniture by using moving supplies and cardboard boxes. The safety of your belongings is ensured by packing it with bubble wrap and cushion padding. Renting plastic crates and pre used boxes from friends and neighbors enable you to carry out your moving process in a cost efficient way. For easy packing of the furniture, dismantle it first and then start packing. The fragile kitchen wares must be packed with the help of sectioned boxes. While loading into the truck, load the fragile items last, this way it can be safely unloaded first at your new residence. After loading, use rope or bungee cords to secure your belongings, so that the boxes don’t move during transportation.

Adapt to the weather:
When moving to beach town, you need to adapt to the beach weather that is pleasantly soothing and sometimes humid and muggy. Constantly monitor your health and keep right precautions and care handy, if you feel that your body do not accommodates the change of weather.

Do research:
Select proper beach town based on availability of resources and also assess whether the place is suitable for you. Get help from moving consultants for choosing better place.

Look for assistance:
Keep in mind that relocation is not one man affair; it is fair to have movers to assist your relocation process. Before selecting the movers it is good to check their credentials, this way you’re less likely to get scammed. The reputation of your movers can also be checked in official transportation sites such as my moving reviews, yelp etc, which give you clear idea about your moving company through reviews and ratings. For cost efficient move, try to get quote from at least 5 companies, so that you can end up with suitable company that fits into your budget.

Top beach town locations in United States:
It is the picture perfect beach town destination. Florida is one of the top affordable beach town locations that boast commercial fishing. It is the perfect choice to escape from the hassles of busy city.

Cayucos, California:
Cayucos, halfway between the San Francisco and L.A. is a delightful beach town, which have beautiful beaches and beautiful people. The ultimate beach town destination, give you an instant relaxed vibe.

Myrtle beach, South Carolina:
Myrtle’s scenic beaches and lively community attract millions of visitors every year. It is one of the sought after beach town, since it offer several amenities.

Cape cod, Massachusetts:
It is the iconic north east beach town that allow you to enjoy long walks on the beach, lighthouse peeping, whale watching, sailing, surfing, bird watching and photography.

The Naples is treasured with aquamarine waters, white sand beaches and palm trees dotting the shore line. This exquisite tropical destination resembles that of a paradise. The warm weather of the place promotes outdoor activities to great extent.

Santa Cruz:
Santa Cruz is a most popular beach town, known for its rocky coast and picture perfect ocean views. It is the wonderful surfing destination that grabs the attention of people all around the world.

The above furnished information helps the beach town movers to carry out their move in a stress-free manner.